Monday 8 April 2013

"Wolf Racing"

So much for my claim that Spring has arrived. We now have cold, grey days. Serves me right for being smug!
We have moved our 3 pregnant broodmares and two year old fillies Breanna (bay roan Dales) and Elsie-May (skewbald Trakhener x Welsh) into the only paddock that has any grass. The mares need the grass for milk production and Elsie-May has come out of the winter a bit on the scrawny side so she's getting a bit of extra TLC. Since she is joined-at-the-hip with Breanna, she got some tasty grass too.
The new paddock borders our garden and it didn't take the youngsters long to find a new hobby to brighten up a damp, foggy morning. Cue a spot of "Wolf-Racing" otherwise known as baiting the dogs until one joins in and chases them along the fenceline.
Velvet, one of our rescue greyhounds was happy to oblige. Watch for the blue streak flying past :)

Then our Pharaoh Hound Inca joined in the fun. At this point, Elsie-May decided that baiting "two wolves" was bad odds, so she went back to peaceful grazing. Fearless  Breanna was still loving the game :

  All friends after their playtime :


  1. Great pictures and video - looks like fun was had by all!

  2. What fun. I like the way Elsie-May moves, very pretty girl. Some super wolf baiting photos.

  3. Neither of them are trotting to their true potential in this video. Elsie-May has a very nice floaty trot and can extend beautifully, as befits her Trakhener breeding. Breanna has an impressive Dales power-trot with loads of knee and hock action, but - being a typical, lazy teenager -only when she feels like it ;)
